



Kirwan State High School Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case

At Kirwan State High School, we strive for personal excellence, prepare students for the future and develop confident and caring citizens.

Our philosophy is to enable greatness through an inclusive and student-centred culture underpinned by a mindful, caring and compassionate school community and built on professionalism, continuous improvement and accountability.

We value and commit to:

Thoughtful behaviours

Respectful, positive and supportive relationships with our whole school community

Excellence in professional practice

Passion for lifelong learning, the pursuit of knowledge and a commitment to make a difference

Providing opportunities for students to achieve success

The diversity of culture, talents, interests and pathways of our students

We enable our students to:

Demonstrate personal excellence by being:

Passionate, hard working and active participants in their own learning

Deep thinking, reflective learners with an understanding of how they learn

Self regulated, resilient and motivated learners with a knowledge of their aspirations and goals

Prepare for the future by being:

Creative and innovative learners committed to life long learning

Effective communicators who are confident in a wide range of settings and with a wide repertoire of technologies

Healthy and well balanced citizens

Be confident and caring citizens by being:

Individuals who respect and value themselves, others and their environment

Local leaders who contribute to their community

Actively engaged global citizens

This philosophy is embedded across our school and within each of the eights key areas that underpin our school’s

strategic planning.


Vocational Education

The Arts


Information Technology

Student Wellbeing

Parent Engagement

Corporate Services

Students pursue personal excellence at Kirwan High across a range of curriculum and extra-curricular offerings. Our large school has specialist Excellence Programs in Sports and Music and a Top Scholar program for gifted students. We have a strong focus on literacy with all Junior School students participating in our award winning Literacy Program.

In the Senior School students choose from over 60 academic and VET subjects. Kirwan is recognised as a leader in Science, Information Technology and International Education. We have a proud sporting and cultural heritage with successful programs in many sports, music and the performing arts.

Schoolwide implementation of the Dimensions of Learning framework equips students with critical lifelong skills based on evidence-based research. Our Student Wellbeing team delivers a range of proactive programs and works with individuals to ensure that all students can engage successfully in their studies within a safe, welcoming community. Kirwan has a firm, fair approach to student discipline, founded on the principles of respect, engagement and safety.

Parents contribute to our vibrant community through our Parents and Citizens’ Association special interest School Partnership networks, which include the Music Support Group and Indigenous Parent Support Group.


Kirwan State High School Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.

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