
Kingsgrove North High School毕业证展示

Kingsgrove North High School毕业证展示

Kingsgrove North High School毕业证、本科、硕士、博士、成绩单、样本图片、diploma案例。

Kingsgrove North High School毕业证展示

Kingsgrove North High School Diploma Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case

Kingsgrove North High School院校介绍

  The aim of promoting excellence in a caring and supportive environment underpins the school culture of Kingsgrove North High School. This culture is grounded in the concept that all of our students have two basic rights at our school: the right to learn and the right to safety. Our curriculum and welfare procedures have been developed (and are being continually evaluated by the school community) to ensure these rights and the corresponding responsibilities. We also place great value on helping our students to develop those skills necessary for them to become independent life-long learners and to see themselves as part of and contributing to their local community.

  Values are taught in the classroom to help our students to:

  develop a love of learning

  pursue excellence and high standards

  develop care and respect for themselves and others

  take pride in their work

  exhibit a strong sense of fairness and social justice

  have respect for and understanding of Australia's history including the cultures and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the first peoples of Australia, and Australia as a multicultural society

  have an appreciation of Australia's history and multicultural society

  actively participate as citizens.

  All students are expected to:

  attend school every day, unless they are legally excused

  be in class on time and prepared to learn

  maintain a neat appearance and follow the school uniform policy

  behave safely, considerately and responsibly including when travelling to and from school

  follow class rules, speak courteously and cooperate with instructions and learning activities

  treat staff, other students and members of the school community with dignity and respect

  care for property belonging to themselves, the school and others.

  Any behaviour that infringes on other people's safety such as harassment, bullying or any illegal behaviour will not be tolerated at our school.

  We have a range of educational options to support students with special learning needs which require additional support.

  Every student is entitled to attend a NSW public school. If our school is your local school and your first preference, we suggest you talk to our principal to discuss your son’s or daughter’s needs and options.

  Following your discussion, their learning needs will be assessed so that decisions can be made about whether they would be best suited to learning:

  in a regular class with additional support, or

  in a special class in a regular or special school.

  You will be involved in any decision about the type of support.

  After enrolment we will work with you and your son or daughter to continually review their learning needs at each stage of their education.

  Enrolling in school

  Starting a new school is a big step for all students and their families. If you are thinking about enrolment, we can help with your son’s or daughter’s transition to our school. Please contact our principal to make an appointment to discuss.

  You might like to use our school locator to research regular and special schools which have specialist classes. It is important to be aware that placement outside of our school will need to be done with the assistance of our regional team.

  Already at school

  If you have concerns about your son’s or daughter’s development or progress at school, or if they have special learning needs which have changed, please contact the principal, so we can best cater for your needs.

  Transition planning for Year 11 and 12 students

  We provide support for students entering Years 11 and 12, through to post-school options for vocational education and training, further education or employment.

Kingsgrove North High School毕业证学位、本科、硕士、博士、成绩单、样本图片、diploma案例。

Kingsgrove North High School Diploma Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.

  • 约翰肯尼迪大学毕业证认证成绩单Diploma
  • 柏萨尼学院堪萨斯毕业文凭