
Hunters Hill High School毕业证diploma

Hunters Hill High School毕业证diploma

Hunters Hill High School毕业证、本科、硕士、博士、成绩单、认证、样本图片、diploma案例原版。

Hunters Hill High School毕业证diploma

Hunters Hill High School Diploma Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case

Hunters Hill High School院校介绍

  Hunters Hill began to develop as a suburb in the 1850's under the entrepreneurial skill of the brothers, Joubert. Although close to the city of Sydney, it was accessible only by water and this led to the development of a small, almost reclusive community, whose gracious homes and narrow winding streets reminded many of a French provincial village.

  Hunters Hill High School has a rich and successful history of educating young people within a peaceful 6.6 hectare site on the banks of the Lane Cove River.

  Whilst the Hunters Hill High learning community cherishes what is worthy and worthwhile in its history, our learning community is a learning community of, and for, the 21st century. The school’s curriculum and co-curricular activities, pastoral care, sporting and cultural programs as well as experienced staff ensure that Hunters Hill High students have a broad and well-rounded education within a caring and nurturing environment.

  Hunters Hill High students develop a strong sense of belonging and connectedness with their school, their fellow students and teachers. Within the Hunters Hill High community, young boys and girls develop intellectually, socially and culturally and emerge as young men and women who are confident and adept at relating to, and working with, both males and females within an international world.

  Importantly and reassuringly, the school’s values of respect, responsibility, cooperation, participation, care and fairness shine within our students and inform the staff’s professional operation.

  Absence from school

  Students are required to attend school on every school day unless they are sick or have serious extenuating circumstances.

  Parents are asked to provide a written notification to explain a student's absence. This note should be sent with the student on the first day of his/her return to school and handed in to the roll call teacher.

  The school endeavours to notify a parent when a student is absent from school using an SMS message to mobile phones. For parents' convenience, the system has a reply facility so that parents can text a reply SMS to notify the school of the reason for the student's absence.

  Lateness to school

  If a student is late-to-school, he/she is required to sign-in at the Administration Office in Block A. Students should bring a letter from a parent to explain the reason for the lateness.

  Students will be issued with a receipt which list his/her name, the time of arrival and a photograph of the student by the Office staff. The student then shows the receipt to the classroom teacher on arrival at class.

  The school endeavours to notify parents by SMS when a son or daughter is late in arriving to school.

  Mobile phones

  Students are permitted to bring mobile phones to school under the following conditions:

  Mobile phones are to be turned off during all lesson periods.

  Students must not use phones to engage in antisocial, bullying or illegal behaviours through texting, email, videoing, photographing or phoning.

  Students do not photograph or video without receiving every persons' approval prior to the filming.

  Students are responsible for the safe handling and storage of all personal items. Mobiles should not be left in school bags.

  Security of valuables

  Students are encouraged to keep all valuables such as wallets, bus passes and mobile phones on their person rather than in school bags.

  Students should leave all Ipods and MP3 players at home. Ipods are small and expensive items that are easily lost in the activities that occur during a typical school day.

Hunters Hill High School毕业证学位、本科、硕士、博士、成绩单、认证、样本图片、diploma案例原版。

Hunters Hill High School Diploma Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.

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