




Kingscliff High School Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case

Kingscliff High School was established as a co-educational comprehensive secondary school. The school has close ties with the adjoining Kingscliff Institute of TAFE. It draws its students from a broad range of socio-economic backgrounds. Kingscliff High School seeks to: Achieve excellence in all areas of school life; provide opportunities for all students through a flexible, adaptive and inclusive curriculum; develop knowledge and competencies appropriate for employment, leisure and lifelong learning; develop individual student self esteem, self discipline and responsibility ; and provide a safe, co-operative learning environment.

All of our students are encouraged to realise their full potential, enjoying a broad and flexible curriculum that challenges and inspires. All have the opportunity to succeed.

Kingscliff High School can offer such a broad and well rounded educational package because we are a larger high school. Big is truly beautiful in the Kingscliff High School context. All of the pointers to school performance indicate that Kingscliff High is THE place for students to develop and grow into the best adults they can be. Students retention to Year 12, academic performance in School and Higher School Certificates, staff attendance and student attendance data all indicate a school that is supportive and nurturing of students from Year 7 to 12. Our exit surveys with Year 12 students indicate overwhelming satisfaction with Kingscliff High School programs, experiences and teaching staff. Behaviour records and suspension data clearly indicates a school with a strong set of expectations of student behaviour and good processes and support for student learning behaviour. Our STAR student and Positive Behaviour for Learning approach is paying off in continually improving student engagement and classroom behaviour.

Big is beautiful and at Kingscliff High is getting more beautiful every year. This is why every one of our staff with High School aged children either has had their own kids attend Kingscliff High or they are currently at Kingscliff!


Kingscliff High School Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.

  • 石卷专修大学毕业证电子版
  • 卡森龙军校毕业文凭