
Gungahlin College毕业证展示

Gungahlin College毕业证展示

Gungahlin College毕业证、本科、硕士、博士、成绩单、样本图片、diploma案例。

Gungahlin College毕业证展示

Gungahlin College Diploma Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case

Gungahlin College院校介绍

  Gungahlin College is one of Australia's most dynamic schools offering an educational experience in Years 10*,11 and 12, designed to inspire individual achievement and confidence for life. Our extensive curriculum supported by an inclusive Pastoral Care program and a wide range of student leadership opportunities, gives students the flexibility to develop their own individual pathway to academic success.

  Gungahlin College has been purpose built for teaching and learning in the 3rd millennium.? The college design, construction, facilities and fit out make Gungahlin College the finest example of senior secondary education in Australia.

  The College features the latest in sustainable design and includes flexible learning hubs for collaborative learning, a media centre with TV and photography studios, a performing arts theatre with dance and drama studios, high standard music and arts facilities, a full commercial kitchen and computer networking laboratory.

  Teaching and learning incorporates extensive use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in a wireless networking environment.? Gungahlin College students have extended library access as the College library is a joint use facility with the Gungahlin public library and CIT flexible learning centre, all on our College campus.? The College has formed a number of strong partnerships with universities both nationally and internationally, as well as within the local Canberra community.

  Student wellbeing is given the highest priority. Through our Pastoral Care Program, Connect, and a range of student support services we provide a safe, supportive and caring environment.? Student leadership, personal development and community service opportunities enable students to become involved in college governance, and local and global communities, developing students as positive contributors to society.

  Gungahlin College is a dynamic, inspiring and nurturing learning community dedicated to supporting all students to achieve their individual potential. A rigorous academic curriculum is offered to meet the needs of students seeking to excel at the highest level.

Gungahlin College毕业证学位、本科、硕士、博士、成绩单、样本图片、diploma案例。

Gungahlin College Diploma Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.

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