
Ballina High School毕业证diploma

Ballina High School毕业证diploma

Ballina High School毕业证、本科、硕士、博士、成绩单、认证、样本图片、diploma案例原版。

Ballina High School毕业证diploma

Ballina High School Diploma Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case

Ballina High School院校介绍

  Our school is comprehensive, catering for diverse needs of students. We offer a broad academic and vocational curriculum; providing special education and learning support programs. We value academic, social, physical, emotional and cultural learning.

  The school is a co-educational comprehensive high school offering the full range of traditional and innovative programs. The school enjoys excellent parental and community support due to a commitment to traditional values. The school's culture reflects a commitment to strong discipline and a pride in belonging, as reflected in the wearing of school uniform and respect for the rights of others. Long established links with local businesses, TAFE, Southern Cross University, service clubs and government organisations assist in the delivery of the school's programs.

  Ballina High is renowned for its innovative educational programs which include: the Marine Discovery and Resource Centre; aeronautics; music and bands; vocational education; Aboriginal education and driver education. The school is committed to improving the literacy and numeracy skills of all students in a safe and nurturing environment. The school has achieved a reputation of excellence and high levels of achievement in academic, cultural and sporting pursuits.

  Our holistic philosophy is concerned with the academic, social, physical, emotional and cultural growth of each student. The school has a strong welfare focus, fosters student leadership, encourages sound values through the chaplaincy program and offers extensive extra curricular activities including: sporting opportunities, community involvement, driver education, radio and video production, band and choir, and an exchange program with a Japanese school.

  Four of BHS’s most vital resources are: its experienced and dedicated staff; its attractive physical environment; its strong links with the wider community, including with the Bundjalung people, and local businesses; and its expanding application of technology in teaching and learning.

Ballina High School毕业证学位、本科、硕士、博士、成绩单、认证、样本图片、diploma案例原版。

Ballina High School Diploma Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.

  • 达德利学院毕业证学位文凭学历Diploma
  • 威尔伯佛斯大学毕业证认证成绩单Diploma
  • 新校毕业证邮寄(新校毕业证邮寄地址) 喀大毕业证原件(大学毕业证原件)