
Keysborough Secondary College毕业证展示

Keysborough Secondary College毕业证展示

Keysborough Secondary College毕业证、本科、硕士、博士、成绩单、样本图片、diploma案例。

Keysborough Secondary College毕业证展示

Keysborough Secondary College Diploma Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case

Keysborough Secondary College院校介绍

  The purpose of Keysborough College is to promote a dynamic, vibrant learning community that equips students to seek and embrace opportunities in a supportive environment to prepare them for the challenges of our rapidly changing world.

  We are learners today...Leaders tomorrow.

  We value Respect, Excellence and Diversity.

  Respect - Respect for others and self respect makes our world more harmonious. We recognise the thoughts, feelings and concerns of others, interact with them in a sensitive and considerate way and value their contribution.

  Excellence - Individuals gain satisfaction and an increased feeling of self worth when they experience a sense of achievement. We have high expectations, encourage a desire to be one's best, and aim for continuous improvement.

  Diversity - The diversity of humanity adds richness to our lives. We value individual difference, ensure equitable access to opportunities and provide support for our diverse communities.

  Keysborough College has four campuses each catering for students in Years 7 to 12. In 2009 the College introduced a new uniform to be phased in over two years, a new College leadership structure, a common timetable and a new College Executive. Students have access to a wide range of programs.

  The College has developed master plans and 2009 will see the further development of our building plans for the new College, together with a budget to commence the building of the two new campuses as a staged building project. The new campuses, which will be situated at the Janine Road and Isaac Road sites, will evolve through an ongoing dialogue between the architects and the school community regarding the design of the teaching spaces, environmental sustainability of the design, health and safety issues and a variety of other considerations.

  Each Campus will continue to operate as a Campus of Keysborough for several years as building begins on the sites that are going to be our permanent home in the future.

  The 2009-2012 strategic plan will centre on key improvement strategies addressing the following areas for improvement:

  1. To improve the student learning outcomes across the College through:

  - Creation of a personalised learning environment across the College, via shared effective learning.

  - Creation of a culture of high expectation and high achievement across the College.

  This means that we will cater to individual student's learning styles and the rate at which they learn with the objective of improved results in the classroom. Year 7 and 8 students will spend considerable time in learning centres with a group of teachers working as a team. The College will continue to incorporate emerging technologies into the classroom.

  2. To improve the engagement and well being of students through:

  - Development of a teaching and learning culture through the formation of positive relationships whilst encouraging and supporting students to take responsibility for their own learning.

  An initial feature of this goal will be the introduction of extended pastoral care sessions. Student leadership and student voice will also be a key aspect.

  3. To improve the transition and pathways of students as they move through the College and beyond through:

  - The development of authentic learning pathways which respond to the varying values, needs and interests of our students.

  - Building a significant social and academic working relationship with the College's main feeder Primary School's.

  In planning the future direction of the College, each Campus will work together to investigate best practice to ensure the best possible outcomes for all students. This will provide students, parents, staff and the wider community the opportunity to be involved in discussion and debate on many educational issues.

Keysborough Secondary College毕业证学位、本科、硕士、博士、成绩单、样本图片、diploma案例。

Keysborough Secondary College Diploma Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.

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